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Factory Certified Minster P2H-100-39

Factory Certified Minster P2H-100-39

Stock Number: #28561
Tonnage: 110 tons
Stroke: 1.57 inches
Shut Height: 12.94 inches
SPM: 450
Vari Speed (Yes/No): yes
Bed W: 31.5 inches
Bed L: 39.4 inches
Crank (Single/Double): double
Air Clutch (Yes/No): no
Dimensions: Approx. Overall Area, R-L × F-B 104 × 70.0 in
Weight: 41000 pounds
Factory Certified Minster P2H-100-48

Factory Certified Minster P2H-100-48

Stock Number: #30435
Tonnage: 110 tons
Stroke: 1.57 inches
Shut Height: 19.9 inches
SPM: 450
Vari Speed (Yes/No): yes
Bed W: 31.5 inches
Bed L: 48 inches
Crank (Single/Double): double
Air Clutch (Yes/No): no
CNC Control: yes
Type of CNC Control: Minster PMC
Dimensions: 104 × 70.0 in
Weight: 41000 pounds

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